ULTRA Hosting

ULTRA Bronze

Ultra powerful hosting with 25GB disk space, 0.5TB of data transfer and everything else unlimited. Hosted as standard on a server with 16 processor cores, 128GB of RAM, blazing fast solid state disks, and incredible low contention of only 30 websites per server.

ULTRA Silver

Ultra powerful hosting with 50GB disk space, 1TB of data transfer and everything else unlimited. Hosted as standard on a server with 16 processor cores, 128GB of RAM, blazing fast solid state disks, and incredible low contention of only 30 websites per server.


Ultra powerful hosting with 75GB disk space, 1.5TB of data transfer and everything else unlimited. Hosted as standard on a server with 16 processor cores, 128GB of RAM, blazing fast solid state disks, and incredible low contention of only 30 websites per server.

ULTRA Platinum

Ultra powerful hosting with 100GB disk space, 2TB of data transfer and everything else unlimited. Hosted as standard on a server with 16 processor cores, 128GB of RAM, blazing fast solid state disks, and incredible low contention of only 30 websites per server.